What comes standard on a home insurance policy?

At DJ Kauffman Agency in Hutchinson, KS, we believe having a home insurance policy is as crucial as understanding what is covered in a standard policy. It can be disheartening for a homeowner to assume something is covered by their policy only to find out after a covered incident that it isn’t. Therefore, we want to inform you about what a standard home insurance policy covers.

What Does a Standard Policy Typically Cover?

A standard home insurance policy provides coverage to repair or replace the structure of your home, both inside and out, and other structures, such as sheds or detached garages. Additionally, a standard home insurance policy covers your personal belongings. It reimburses when you’re displaced from your home due to a covered peril. You also get liability coverage if someone is injured on your property or if a fire or animal from your property damages someone else’s property.

Moreover, standard home insurance policies cover a limited number of perils to your home, such as fire, explosion, wind, falling objects, and hail damage.

What Isn’t Covered?

While earthquakes and floods are valid concerns for homeowners, they are not covered by a standard home policy. However, they can be added for an additional cost or by writing a separate policy.

Furthermore, a standard home insurance policy does not cover damage from termites and other insects, rust, rot, general wear and tear, or birds or rodents.

Questions or Concerns About Home Insurance

We understand that home insurance policies can be complex at DJ Kauffman Agency in Hutchinson, KS. We would love to partner with you to ensure your home is adequately covered and you have peace of mind. Call us today at (620) 669-0410.

Is Your Home Insurance Up to Date?

Comprehensive home insurance is essential, and maintaining a robust policy necessitates updating it. But, you might question when an update is necessary and who can assist you with it. This is where DJ Kauffman Agency can provide support. If you reside in the Hutchinson, KS area and require a home policy, we are ready to help you obtain the coverage you need. There’s no justification to settle for less when you have the right team supporting you. Our trusted agents are prepared to serve you.

Your yearly policy renewal is usually the optimal occasion to update your home insurance, as, during this period, you can go through your policy details with your agent to ensure you have the most appropriate coverage suitable for your specific necessities. However, your renewal isn’t the only time you might want to update your policy. If you make any significant changes to your home or other aspects of your life, you might want to update your coverage accordingly. This helps in ensuring that you have the necessary protection and eliminates any potential gaps in your coverage level.

For instance, if you add a new annex to your home or install a swimming pool, you may want to revise your insurance coverage. If you’re uncertain whether something warrants an update, the best course of action is to contact one of our experienced agents and seek their guidance. This way, you are informed and can make an intelligent decision.

Feel free to contact us today at DJ Kauffman Agency if you’re in the Hutchinson, KS, area and looking to update or renew your home insurance policy. Whether you need policy modifications or a completely new policy for a new home purchase, we can assist you in getting the right coverage to fulfill your needs.

What home insurance covers and what it doesn’t

Owning a home is both a joy and a burden. Worrying about everything that could go wrong and damage your home can lead to a lot of stress. Our independent agents at DJ Kauffman Agency in Hutchinson, KS, are here to help reduce that stress by ensuring you have the home insurance coverage you require. 

What home insurance covers


The main structure, attached structures, and structures on your property are covered for various hazards, including fire, theft, and vandalism. 


The things inside your home are covered, but it is essential that you know the type of coverage you have and any limits you have on specific content. 


Being sued is a danger for all homeowners. Liability helps to protect your assets from a legal judgment against you and pays legal expenses. 

Loss of use

If a covered peril damages your home and is not habitable, this coverage will help pay for a place for you to stay until you can come back home. 

What home insurance doesn’t cover


Floods are not covered by traditional home insurance. You need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy. 

Earth movement

Home insurance does not cover earthquakes, mudslides, landslides, and sinkholes. 

Wear and tear

Things like your roof get old. This is not covered by home insurance. If your roof needs to be replaced, it is up to you to replace it unless a covered hazard damages it. 

Owner neglect

You need to do the necessary maintenance on your home, and if it is damaged because you didn’t do it, your home insurance won’t cover it. 

Our team at DJ Kauffman Agency in Hutchinson, KS, is here to offer help and support to homeowners through the right home insurance. Give our office a call today. 

How can a home insurance plan in Kansas help someone?

If you live in the Hutchinson, KS area, you can quickly find that it is a great community to invest in by purchasing a home. If you buy a home in this region, getting a home insurance plan is very important. When you have this type of coverage, it could help you in various ways. 

Protect Your Assets

A primary way that a home insurance plan can help you is by protecting your assets. If you choose to buy a property, you will want to know that your asset is covered. Fortunately, when you get a home insurance plan, you will have the coverage necessary to protect your dwelling and any personal belongings. This includes the belongings in your home and the structure of the building itself.

Reduce Liability Concerns

If you are a property owner in this part of Kansas, you will inevitably take on some form of liability risk. There is always a chance that someone could be injured when on your property. If this occurs, you may be held liable for damages. A full home insurance plan will cover this situation if you are insured. This ensures that you have financial coverage if you are liable and need to pay damages to the other party involved. The insurance provider can also help you navigate this stressful situation. 

A proper home insurance plan can help someone in Hutchinson, KS in many ways. Because of this, it is always a good idea to get coverage. When you are looking for this type of insurance here, you can begin the search by calling our professionals with the DJ Kauffman Agency. When you call us at the DJ Kauffman Agency, you can obtain all the guidance needed to evaluate all options and build an ideal policy. 

Tips to prepare your home for a storm

At the DJ Kauffman Agency, we want to keep you and your family safe. Creating an emergency plan for your family in case of a storm is a good idea. Make sure everyone knows the safe areas in the house and have a communication plan should you become separated. You can also devise a safety plan outside the home, such as having an alternative place to stay or going to a public shelter.

Once you have prepared your home, it is vital to ensure that any outdoor items, such as patio furniture, grills, and trash cans, are secured or brought inside. This will help ensure they do not become projectiles during strong winds and cause damage or injury to property or people. Additionally, be sure all windows and doors are securely closed and locked.

If you have a basement, it is crucial to ensure any items stored downstairs are secure and that the room is free of water accumulation. If standing water is in the area, remove any furniture or items from the space until it can be cleared up. It may also be beneficial to move valuables upstairs as an extra precaution against flooding.

Finally, if you live in an area prone to storms, consider investing in hurricane shutters or storm windows for your home. These can provide added protection against wind and debris damage during extreme weather events. Additionally, having a generator on hand with fuel ready to use can ensure you have power during a storm when necessary.

For more tips, call the DJ Kauffman Agency today. We proudly serve the Hutchinson, KS area. 

Does Home Insurance Cover Damage From Fireworks?

DJ Kauffman Agency, serving the greater Hutchinson, KS area, offers home insurance policies. During July, one of the questions that our agency is frequently asked is whether home insurance covers damage from fireworks. Read on to get the answer to this question. 

In most cases, a homeowners insurance policy will cover damage caused by fireworks. This includes injuries that people on your property may have sustained while lighting fireworks or damage to your home, such as a fire caused by fireworks. The most significant exclusion to this is if fireworks are illegal in your area or you are using illegal fireworks. 

If you are setting off illegal fireworks, and someone on your property is injured, or you damage your property, your homeowners’ insurance policy will not cover the damage. This is because policies preclude damage caused by criminal acts. Setting off illegal fireworks and causing damage is a criminal act. However, if someone else lights illegal fireworks and they start a fire on your property, chances are, your homeowners’ insurance policy will cover the damage. 

It is also important to note that many counties and cities have laws about when fireworks can be set off. If you are setting off fireworks outside the legal dates and damage is done, your homeowners’ insurance policy will not cover the damage. As such, you should stick to lighting fireworks off only on legal days, such as the 4th of July. 

In most cases, homeowners insurance will cover damage from fireworks, as long as they were not illegal fireworks. However, every homeowner’s insurance policy is different. At DJ Kauffman Agency, serving the Hutchinson, KS community, we can help you find the homeowners’ insurance policy that offers the protection you need. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment to discuss getting a new homeowners insurance policy. 

Is Home Insurance Required in Kansas?

Owning a home in Hutchinson, KS is a great accomplishment for anyone. The real estate boom has motivated many residents to get into a new home and it’s happening fast. If you are seeking a home insurance plan that won’t break the bank but will provide the protection you need, keep reading. DJ Kauffman Agency is here for you. 

It’s likely that if you used a lender to secure a loan to purchase your home, they require in their contract that you have home insurance to protect the investment they made in you. Most lenders (and states) require this, and it’s no surprise why. 

You can’t predict what may happen to your home; all you can do is ensure that you are properly protected in the event something unfortunate happens. The state of Kansas often experiences unpredictable weather and dangerous storms, so home insurance is essential to protect you and your family during those tumultuous times. 

Furthermore, home insurance can bring peace of mind that you can not otherwise get. Knowing that no matter what happens; whether it’s a storm, fire, vandalism, or theft, you won’t be in financial ruin because of a situation out of your control. 

This is what home insurance provides to families everywhere. Why wouldn’t you invest in protection for your most important asset, and your family?

If home insurance is on your To-Do list, give DJ Kauffman Agency a call. We’re here to serve the residents of Hutchinson, KS and are happy to help any way we can. We’ll listen to your concerns, evaluate your lifestyle and needs, and come up with a plan that suits you and your family perfectly. 

Contact us today! 

How Home Insurance Protects Your Home and Finances

When you own your own home, you need home insurance to protect both it and your financial future. Your home is likely your largest investment, and it’s important to protect it. If your home isn’t insurance, give us a call right away at DJ Kauffman Agency in Hutchinson, KS.

Protection for Your Dwelling

One of the most important types of coverage that are included in your home policy is protection for the dwelling itself. This coverage is what pays for repairs when something is damaged in an accident, disaster or another incident. Home repairs can be substantial, and that’s especially true when there is major damage. With your insurance, it’s far easier to get your home repaired. 

Covering Your Belongings

The items that you own are worth a lot altogether. When you have home insurance, those possessions are covered against a number of incidents that can lead to ruined belongings. If you have a major incident that ruins some of your possessions, it can be prohibitively expensive to replace them all without home insurance coverage. With this coverage, you can soon start replacing those items with help from the insurance policy.

Liability Protection

When you have someone in your home or on the grounds of your home, you can be held liable if they have an accident or get sick there. This liability means that you would then be responsible for the medical bills that stem from this incident. Luckily, home insurance comes with liability coverage for just this kind of problem. It will pay for those medical bills so that you don’t have to come up with that money on your own. This also protects you from being sued for medical bills.

Get Home Insurance

If you own a home and don’t yet have home insurance, call us at DJ Kauffman Agency in Hutchinson, KS.

Who should get a home insurance plan in Kansas?

Those that move to the Hutchinson, KS area should consider buying their own home. When you purchase a property in this area of the state, it will help you build long-term wealth and offer you a consistent and stable place to live. Those who are going to buy a property here need to have coverage for their home. There continue to be many situations when having this insurance is needed.

Property Owners May Have Insurance Requirements

When someone wants to get home insurance, they want to comply with their requirements. Many people in Kansas are required by mortgage lenders, home associations, or other rules that require you get appropriate coverage. If you are subject to any rules around your home insurance requirements, it is important that you meet them by finding an appropriate policy. 

Those that Want to Protect Asset

Even if you are not required by another company or party to carry home insurance, it is still a good investment for any property owner. When you are looking for a new home to buy, you will be making a major investment in your future. It is important that you protect this investment as well as you can. When you get a home insurance plan, it will provide you with coverage to repair your home if it is damaged. 

Anyone looking for home insurance in Hutchinson, KS should speak with the team at DJ Kauffman Agency. Those that come to DJ Kauffman Agency will find that they always receive great support and guidance. The team here can help to answer all of your questions and address any concerns that you have. We can then help you build a policy that is ideal for your lifestyle. 

Variables To Consider During The Winter For Your Home Insurance Policy

DJ Kauffman Insurance assists the Hutchinson, KS community by offering residents multiple types of insurance policies. We strive to help our clients find the right coverage for their situation. As an independent agency, we have established successful relationships with several carriers in the region. This allows us to help our clients find custom policies.

Variables To Think About During The Winter Concerning Your Home Insurance

Your home is one of your most prized possessions. That’s why it is important that you have the necessary protection to cover you in any situation. Home insurance covers your home if it is damaged or vandalized. The policy is a huge asset during Winters in Kansas, where a blizzard can cause serious damage. While you are making plans for the Winter, here are some variables to consider.

It’s important that you shovel the snow regularly around your home to prevent a potential liability situation. During the Winter, the concrete is normally slippery, which increases the likelihood that someone may slip and fall on your property. By maintaining the exterior of your home, you decrease the risk of someone getting injured.  

Winter may also cause some of your pipes to burst, which may cause serious damage to your home. To prevent the pipes from bursting, make sure that your home is well insulated. Another severe issue during Winter is the presence of strong winds. Make sure that you take anything that you have outdoors and store it somewhere safe. Secure your gutters and cut the trees around your home. Wind storms during the Winter have the potential to cause serious damage to your home. That’s why it is so important to prepare. Ice dams also have the ability to cause problems, so make sure that you monitor the amount of snow on your roof.

DJ Kauffman Insurance Will Help You Protect Your Family And Possessions

Visit our office in Hutchinson, KS or our website today to learn more information about home insurance.